
Probably few will read this but I want to put it in here anyway. I'll not have my biography nor my autobiography published anywhere else but here. This will be my little bit of vanity.

I was born to a very large family. 13 full brothers and sisters and six half brothers and sisters. No contraceptives used and obviously my parents didn't have any rhythm worth a damn.

Got married young as well as becoming a mother. I have 3 children, six natural grandchildren and one step granddaughter. Too many relatives to mention them all other than a general "howdy you'll".

I have always loved to write and always wished I had the talent to be published. I couldn't take the rejection so I never sent anything in. My fanfiction and original works that I put on my site and others will be the only way my stuff will be seen by the public.

My very favorite two things to do is read and write Phantom of the Opera stories. I like ALW's movie version better than the musical as I got more out of the movie. In the musical I missed out on a lot of stuff as I couldn't see or hear a lot of it. The movie let me see the anguish on his face, the pain he suffered.

I love Gerard (Jarrod) Butler's version best. Need I explain? Dah!

I do write Leroux versions and sometimes I'll mix elements of Kay in them. I am not a Kay fan though just as I am not a Christine fan. In the movie I kept yelling out choose him, choose him, knowing she would choose Raoul. After I saw the movie is when the bug bit me to continue Erik's story. So much had been left our of ALW's story. He didn't even have a name for gosh sakes. We all know of course it is Erik but those who have not read Leroux's book may not know that.

I create OC's but also pair him with Meg. The movie version gave me that thought although she does find his mask in the stage version also but doesn't go into the tunnel after him as it hints she does in the movie. I am a big fan of Meg's character. If the movie could have been like a serial they could have done so much more with it.

Gerry will forever be the Phantom for me. If the sequel ever comes to the Cincinnati area you can bet I'll go see it even if I don't think it will go in a direction I will like. What I have read of the first act doesn't bode well. I mean having him crawl into bed with an automaton? Come on, seriously. Although I don't think he had that mannequin just for that wedding gown. He was so obsessed with her everywhere you looked you saw pictures of Christine so I guess it wouldn't be beyond the realm of believability for him to make love to essentially a robot. He is a man in his thirties after all and has never had the pleasure of making love to a woman. He had to find pleasure where he could.

I have set some goals for myself. I want to visit Australia, Alaska, England, Scotland and Ireland. If I can afford it later and don't die in the interim I will make at least one of those trips.

I will update from time to time as I think of things I want to add for posterity.
